★ Crazy about the Sea - Reunion in Tierra del Fuego

Crazy about the Sea - Discovering the World from the Water - Reunion in Tierra del Fuego

The docu-series "Crazy for the Sea - Discovering the World from the Water" focuses on a comparatively small cruise ship with a capacity of only 400 passengers. The advantage that comes with being smaller than its giant relatives is that the ship can sail to destinations that other cruisers cannot reach. Therefore, passengers find themselves in places that have their own charm away from the mainstream of tourism.

The small cruise ship is on its way to Ushuaia. In order to dock there, it has to fight its way through the Drake Passage. The strong swell is a problem for the passengers. The Drake Passage is the ‘wildest’ sea area on earth, as there is no protection from islands or the mainland and extreme weather conditions can develop. The crew and guests are happy when they reach the harbour in Ushuaia. Once there, the father-son duo Bernd and Ilja first go on a hike through the natural surroundings. They are accompanied by tour guide Insa Schulz, who translates for the group on the tour. The trip takes them through wetlands and forests and even steep slopes.

After two days at sea, the solid ground under their feet is good for everyone and the exercise in nature helps to get the swaying out of their bodies. Heike and Ulrich's destination is the ‘southernmost train in the world’ - a narrow-gauge railway that runs through Tierra del Fuego. Ulrich is delighted with the steam locomotive and the surroundings and chats to the locals. The couple have familiarised themselves with the place and therefore don't need a tour guide. They buy a few souvenirs for their collection in the souvenir shop to take home with them. 

Broadcasting on 19th of April 2024 at 11.50am on SR/SWR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library