★ SAT.1 Spiegel TV - Reportage Penny Reeperbahn

SAT.1 Spiegel TV - Reportage Penny Reeperbahn - News from the Cult Discounter

The Penny store is back. 15 years ago, "SPIEGEL TV" reported on the neighborhood discounter in the heart of St. Pauli for the first time, and the store has had a cult following ever since. But what happens when the red mile becomes a no-go zone and all masks still come off at the neighborhood discounter? Markus Grün, author of the classic 2007 report, looked for answers.

During filming, he met Walter Wiegand, among others, for whom the supermarket on the Reeperbahn is a piece of home and a source of inspiration. While buying a bag of oranges, the self-proclaimed music producer belts out an alley hit through the fruit and vegetable section. The hamburger is a regular customer here and surprisingly takes heart in front of the empties machine. Full of fervor, he once again proposes to his Cuban ex-wife.

Broadcasting on 30th of November 2021 at 11.35pm on Sat.1

Music: POPVIRUS Library